Birth story: Water birth at Great Western hospital, Swindon

birth at white horse birth centre

The birth of Zeke, water birth at the Great Western Hospital- White horse Birth Centre. My birth story of Zeke- my third born baby boy, my second birth using Hypnobirthing. He was a waterbirth at Great Western Hospital, and it was one of the greatest days of my life. The end of my third pregnancy […]

The benefits of Hypnobirthing

newborn baby in a birth pool

The many benefits of hypnobirthing- from a hypnobirthing mum and teacher The benefits of Hypnobirthing are countless, not just for your birth, but also for your pregnancy and after your baby has arrived. The tools and skills you learn in your Hypnobirthing class will transform how you feel in your pregnancy, how you experience labour […]

Coping with morning sickness


Natural methods to help you cope with morning sickness According to the NHS, morning sickness effects around 8 in 10 woman, with either nausea, vomiting or both hitting them. Coping with morning sickness can be tough, but remember this is your body responding to the hormones and changes of pregnancy. The first thing to note, […]

Pregnant in a Heatwave?

pregnant in a heatwave

Being pregnant in a heatwave is no joke! Trust me- I’ve managed to hit a heatwave with all 3 of my pregnancies and it can feel intense.

You may be struggling to cool down, stay comfortable and to sleep. Not ideal at any stage of pregnancy.

6 benefits of water birth

hypnobirthing newbury- Waterbirth

Planning a waterbirth is growing in popularity and for good reason. A recent study found that using water in labour and for birth bought a number of benefits, including significantly reducing the use of epidural, episiotomy and lowering maternal pain.

What is hypnobirthing?

What is Hypnobirthing?   So you’ve heard the term Hypnobirthing, perhaps heard people rave about it and how it helped them, or been recommended it by your midwife. But what exactly is Hypnobirthing? What is Hypnobirthing? Hypnobirthing is no hocus-pocus. There is no swinging of a clock or voodoo going on here. Hypnobirthing is actually […]

Are Hypnobirthing classes worth it?

Chairs set up ready for hypnobirthing class

If you value how you feel in your pregnancy, and want to be able to enjoy this magical time, yes. If you value how your baby enters this world, and want them to enter in a gentle, calm way, yes. If you value your mental and physical health, and want to have the smoothest recovery possible, yes.

Is hypnobirthing really for all births?

Online hypnobirthing course workbook

I’m here to bust one of Hypnobirthings biggest myths, and tell you that Hypnobirthing really is for EVERY type of childbirth, and it really will help EVERY type of birth be more positive.

Should I write a birth plan?

Pregnant lady holding her bump and writing a birth plan

We plan for many things in our lives- from your wedding day, to holidays, to days out. Why wouldn’t you plan and research for one of the biggest days of your life? You wouldn’t just show up at the airport and expect to have everything you want for your holiday, so why would you allow the day you birth your baby to arrive, without giving the thought to communicate the things that are important to you and your partner.